Sunday, September 20, 2009

This time next week....

This time next week I'll be enroute to London and just a few short days of being on African soil....the countdown is suddenly more real then I imagined it to be and now the anticipation is just growing....

But whille I continue to anticipate this adventure, I must say its bittersweet to want this week to end...on one hand, I have this adventure and on the other hand I have to sayy bye bye to my friends, family and everyone else in between...bittersweeet is an understatement...

All i can say is that I am sooo thankfull for all the support and amzing notes/emails I have gotten from gives me that much more courage to know that everyone is routing me on :)

7 days and counting....


  1. hello can i post here? hello arti how are you doing today?????????????????

  2. What is the weather like in Africa right now? Is it really hot?

  3. LEAVVVE nice commentts u jerk!!!!!! LOL..
