Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Sooo...i thought things may get a bit better then yesterday and I really kinda wanted to keep this kinda stuff to myself...but the depresssingness of the past few days is beginning to weight in and actually beginning to make home feeel a bit better, as much as I have grown to love it here...

Soooo...I love my school, actually wait I should rephrase...I LOVE the lady that runs the school where I work and this children...The children are what get me outta bed each morning and are what keep me going during the day...The mean teachers, who like to allienate and make fun of the Mzungo's (non-africans) I could live with out...I have been asked a million inappropriate questions, harrassed for money and my all time worst is getting 3am calls from male teachers that wannna meet up...WTF...3am!!!!! Everytime I get those callls I get soo excited thinking its home, and then i see the names on the screeen and want to

Anyways, yesterday was just a typical day like any other day...mean teachers, great kids, but mean teachers being extra mean....and as I finally began teaching my morning barged in what of the head masters, basicallly screaming at the children...half the kids got up in front of my eyes and ran out with their things and when I realized what had happend, I realized that all the kids that had not paid their tuition, were told to basically go where the sun dont shine til they could :'(

My grade 5 class went from 8 kids to 3, my grade 6's were all in check and my grade 4's....from 20 to 8 kids...The field at lunch and break was empty and the mood of the students left behind is soo depressing...noow you try motivating kids who are subject to that.....

It was completely heart breaking for me to see and i went to bed hoping it would be better today, but It most definately was not and now I am struggling with trying to motivate those that are left behind..

I made a decision in my first week here to sponsor one of my students through to secondary school...especially since I learnt that it only costs $60 american to send a child to school per term, and that includes uniforms, books, bags, etc. ...considering Aldo or nine west is where I can usually spend that $60, I thought I could cut my shoe collection down and put the money towards a childs future....If any of you are interested please email me and let me know and I can forward you some deats...

Anyways...on that note, with less then 10 days left here (yes single digits !!!!)...I decided to keep these posts funn and lesss depressing as of late, because the reality is whille things like this exist this country is stillll extremely beautiful, and amazing!!!...sooo here are sommme updates :

1. Totally have built a family with the new girls that are here.

2. Pretty sure I have some sort of stomach bug once again...Annoying....

3. Being completely stalked by my new south african housemate who texts me everyday to say he misses me :S ....MHMMMMM yea i just want those texts from people bak home, thanks and even though he is aware of my situation he is positive that I will fall for him...NO, not happening...he has yet to meet the real me, who likes her trendy clothes, hair did, make-up on and princess suggestions on how to deal?!?!?!?! I AM DESPERATE...

4. I have become tagged the Indian princess at the cafe I go to ..since I screamed and jumped when I saw a mouse and insisted that i walk on all the couches just to get out of the

5. I have witnessed my first Ugandan bar experience...which some of you got texts/bbm's about when i got'm positive that this wkend Ali is promising nothing short when I head to the capital to see just what this prior markham boy is

6. Have started to head my life in the right direction...

7. And of course as always MISSSSSSSSS HOMMMMMMMMMME and everyone who completes my life there...

Hope that lightened up this note a ya's always...

Indian Princess Out :)

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