Thursday, October 29, 2009

And here i go...leaving my Omatima in UG...

How time flies is all I can think right now...about 5 years ago I entered a process that was ment to take a year and after several bumps in the roads, a lot of tears, failure and learning..i broke free of the process just a bout a year ago...

It was at that time that this idea of this trip began and no matter how great life seemed to be around me and there was really no reason for me to leave, i knew that 10-15 years from now the lessons I learnt would only make me be the strong, confident, inspirational and beautiful woman that i would want my kids to see and learn from...

Soo the planning began and b4 i knew it i was sitting at heathrow with a stack of goodbye cards/notes and pictures to carry me through bawling like a baby...wondering WHAT THE HELLL i was really doing...thank god for BBM is all i have to say and supprisingly enough the pep talk that Neil of all people provided...

about 30 hours later, which included a lot of disasters, delayed flights and chaos i landed and found myself in the airport guesthouse bawling once again..the thought of being alll alone in this strange place no matter how independent I have managed to become in my life even scared the living crap out of me...I went to bed that first, second, third, fourth and fifth nite wishing i would wake up in my bed at home and it would all be over...

Then I met Julia..a 22 year old German girl who suprisingly summed up exactly how i felt.... the truth is she said " you know exactly what you have left behind, and you have no idea what you are coming to and worst of all you dont know what you will go home too"...and she was right, my eyes lit up and as tears sprung to the surface she assured me that after being here for a few months already, that life was only bound to get better, if i was willing to start believing..

Annnd soo the idea of assumptions came into my mind and seemed to tie into every aspect of my trip and now as I sit here on last day in Jinga, I realize that through all of the ups and downs, questioning of things and struggling with trying to keep it together..I am ready to start believing..because after all, after learning about who i am, what i have and where i come from...holding my head high just seems like the right thing to do...

Soo there you have it, this city, the struggles, the times, the work, the everything here has finally let me leave the past where it belongs and realize that i have learnt to make some of the right choices in my life this past year, even if at times i tend to move at snails pace...

Nooow with all that being said I keep with the trend of lists for this is my liiist of things I'll miss and in nooo particular order since living here has only taught me that order is boring and organized chaos is that much better..I KNOW you're thinking, who the hell is this

1. Emmma & Ian...whoo have basically become the amit's, deepak's, neil's, navin's, etc of Uganda and kept me grounded, sane and most importantly gave me sanity...this trip would never have been the same without these bonds that have now taught me about just letting go and living :)

2. The hooooouse...okay soo its not the W of Montreal that i love...but its home, and everytime I think of UG i'll think of that guesthouse, my room, the kitchen table and the family rooom where endless hours were spent....annnnnnnd the washing area of course where I learnt to becomme domesticated..yea thats right I can now wash clothes by hand :P

3. MYYY BODDA BOODDDA....i videotaped the ride to work on my last day, to show all you people that i know are dying to see the 10000000 of pictures and videos I took....but let me tell you, everytime i think of getting on the go train i think to myself hoooow depresssed i will be knowing that i could have been on a motorcycle...

4. FLAVOOOURS...and indulge and two friends, and the gately and hangout here...BUT ESPECIALLLY flavours..for it has been the "cheers" version of Jinja where everyone knows your name :) plusss you gotta love a caffee that calls u the indian princess :P

5. Not wearing make-up, doing my hair and wearing the same clothes everyday and still being considered a beautiful and rare delicasy out i walked around toronto like this I AM POSITIVE that people would throw money at me and think i was a and I AM POSITIVE...that there are people that would rather just leave me at home when they went

6. The scenery, the people, the city, the liveliness....the love, happiness and pride these people have ...make it amaziiing to be around them..its like you walk around with a perma grin alll the timmmme....

7. THE INDIAN FOOOD..which i have to say tastes like being at home...God...i dont really know how much i managed to retain inside of me but every bite of it tasted like Heavvven...whiiich links directly to the rolllex's :)

8. MY KIDDDIESSS, STUDENTS, LOVES OF MY LIVES...this trip is all about them, the joy they shared with each of my days, the love they taught me to keep in my heart and the kid that they reminded me still existed inside...Every last minute of this trip will forever be linked to them and everything they did for me...becuase they touched my heart and my life more then i could have ever touched theres...

9. Life here in general...There is something about this place, that has let me leave the order in my life that i always try to have behind, I have learnt to live out of my barriers/box and everything else and realized what its like to just be ..worry some would say...whille there have been tonnes of moments of struggle and worry, and thinking about home, life and the aftermath...the faith i have learnt to have and the positive assumptions I have learnt to have just let me live on, who would have thought....

THINNNNNNGSSS I AM EXCCITED FOR....lets face it coming home, or nearing home puts a smile on my face...but i gotta say the few things besides all my besties, family and others in between that I am exciiited fooor are:

1. BBATTH AND BODY WORKS CREAM...sunscreen has become my greecee of choice and it will be nice to finally not have the perma shine i walk around with...

2 . PERRRFUME.....mhmm bugspray has been the only thing i have worn and whille its suffice here, i am finallly ready to smelll like a lady and not like some aersol bottle...

3. much as i hate them...wearing track pants for the many days in a row i have, begin to make you feel like a bag lady, who desperately needs to be featured on what not to wear.

4. Fast internnet...instead of the crappiness that i live with now...loll...TRUST should all kiss your computersss...

5. Yogaaa/boxing/the gym...walking everywhere and being in a permanent sweaty stage is great exercise but doesnt erase the constant noise around you that you manage to break free of at any of these places.

Annd i feel like tgere is more, but I cant seem to think past this short list sinnnce now i just wanna lay in the sun under a palm treee at the nile resssort...

Thankk you for all the kind words, texts, bbm's, phone calls and everything else...the fact that sooo many of you have shared this trip along with me, has made my experience that much better...thank you for all the support and love...the reality is i had soo much i could have worried about when i left and for the most part you have alll rid all those worries for me....

Missing you all, seee you's sooon...from Jinja with lovvvve always
- The little Indian Pricess

p.s.... LET THE VACAAATION BEEEEGIN, kenya and london town here i comme :)

p.p.s the BB is up and running and the local nummmero will be no more by 2morrow nite my time...

p.p.p.s SEEE you on the other side

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

And the days begin to draw to an end...

What a wkend....after an extremely stressfilled week, it was super nice to get out of Jinja and head to Kampala for some big cty fun!!! Much was done!!! A concert, a couple VIP PARRTAAAYS (see i am even VIP in the UG, lol) and a few clubs...The capital city is FILLLLLLED with expats, soo when i met tonnes of people from Toronto it was sooo nice to get a bit of a feel of home...The wkend was much fun, but did leave me misssing my kiddies, the guesthouse and my UG crew in Jinja...

But as I road the coaster back to Jinja w/ Emma I began to realize that as excited as I was to get back to Jinja...I realized that my time here is now I write I have exactly 3 days left..we will all pack up and leave Friday and head to Entebbe which is the city where the airport is and stay there over nite, so we can get on our 5AM flights...then I am offf to Kenya for a few and then London Town...

I cant believe all my time is beginning to come to an was my last day of school and as much fun as I had with the kids today, a huge part of me feels like I should cancel my return ticket, get all my stuff shipped here and make my new home base..I feel like i was ment to be here for there kids, and now that i have grown such a huge bond with them to leave almost feels like I am cutting them short of what they, attention, support and a mzungo teacher that gives them something to laugh at...

I did my final lessons, took all my photos/videos, had my special friend come by the school to help in putting my take away from africa together, sang all my last songs with nursery kids annnd caused havoc of course in the school field when I brought tonnnes of goooooooodies for the kids to enjoy during their recess...I HEART THESE KIDS...and i'm positive my whole flight home I will be watching them sing the african version of head and shoulders...

Soooo Madame Arti, is officially done teaching and will play mamma at the orphanage for one more day tomorrow and then give myself one day of R&R and lots of nights of bonding with all the peeps I have met here....

Whille this past weekend was amazing, one thing I have learnt was that whille I came here with the intention to spread all the love I had to give and make a difference, these kids have given me more love then I ever thought possible and changed me in away that I never knew I could..I feel like a different, more grown up person..who has burst the PwC bubble and learned to live soo far out of my box that I only hope that I encourage you all to do the same...

Soo with that lets begin the theme of this weeks blogs...favorites, things to miss, things i learned...Lets start with the things I have learnt :

1. That riding a boda boda is sooo much coooler then Go Train and the subbbway and ALLLMOOOOOOOOOST can be put in the same classs as my Hyunnndaaaai (YEA THATS RIGHT..i called my Hyundair cool :) )

2. Rolex's taste sooo good that they are likely worth more then the actual Rolex....and I am positive that I am on a mission to open up my own Rolex stand in the

3. Being at the Guesthouse has given me the Uni feel all over again and has made me realize that further schooling is a definate in my future...

4. Internal Audit really isnt as cool as corporate sustainability or social enterprise or teaching primary schooooll @ St. Florence...

5. That I will be the fun, easy going parent that helps her kids get away with things....ONLY IF THEY ARE GETTING STRAIGHT A's :) ...looks like I have taken after my dad's educational hitler ways !

6. That being at home with my kids for many years to watch them grow, is a role I thought I could never handle and have now learnt how important it will be....even though I AM MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY years away from having any to look after...did i mention

7. That love is anything you want it to be...and is just about a special bond, connection and feeling you share with someone...

8. That friendships and relationships I have built up after dealing with much turmoil, are the strongest ones I have and will be with me forever..I am the luckiest girl ever...

9. Assumptions can kill you, but they can also stop you from learning to just have faith in the world, yourself and people around you...always assume like you have never assumed before and when you ask, be prepared to listen to what is being said and not what you think is being said...

10. That life is too short, to live through bounds...we have all failed at love, life and everything in between...but sometimes a simple gesture says it all and it will be all you need to just let go and appreciate what you have in the moment....

UG has become a home that I never thought I could make...and when I lay there at night trying to imagine my life back home..i wonder how things will ever be the same...

I started this journey with a hello world and have realized that I will be flying back to Toronto screaming it outloud...

I've attempted to strip my life of any insecurities and just b, becuase after all these kids have learnt to show soo much pride with what little they have..sooo with how much I have, there is no reason for me to not practise what they have preeched to me...

Signnning off for now....


P.S all you peeps that have my local number, it wont be in commission after the 31st...sooo bbm or text the bb cuz thats all I will have and be answering :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

What a week...

Soo...whille the first few days of me being here, were likely the hardest I had experienced, being a million miles away from home and in strange place with nothing familar to surround me..this week can definately compare...

So whille I thought things couldnt get much worse after the mayhem at school on Tuesday, it definately did...For the first time I actually broke down at school and basically had to go in this bushy area behind the school for an hour and cry...the day was completely horrible and includes things that I will never forget for years to come...followed by a brutal morning I was basically cornered by a teacher and asked to be his wife and all this very uncomfortablenesss....luckily after experiencing my breakdown in the morning I sent out an SOS to my boy emmma here and he came and rescued me at lunch, keeping me company and ensuring we would take some of the things noted this wk and fix them for the better...

After suffering all morning and having my schedule completely turned upside down, I spent the entire afternoon grade 4's after being drilled on mulitplication have come to understand the value of doing things on your own, and my grade 5's turned my entire mood around..they are definately number 1 on my list of things to misss...

I walked into my grade 5 class and had the kiddds cheering because i was teaching, they got up and locked the door as they usually do, sooo no one disturbs our time together...and then Brian, the boy I will again likely sponsor, took out this walkman and basically started recording me...the kids had suchhh a kick out of it and they said see we know you are leaving next week, and we will be sad and cry..but now we recorded you and that means when you are away we can always have you with us....

FAWWWK...there went breakdown number 2, for the day...lawdd, soo yea i cried but managed to get through the lesson and then hung out wth the kids..they taught me how to speak Lungandan which I have picked up on a bit already...but they had such a kick out of me trying and tape recording the whole thing..i lovve those kids...

In fact, whille I had my heart set on a set of these giraffes to bring home, I have found something even better to bring home and its away for me to alwayyys have my grade 5's each day...I have come to realize that for every moment that I suffer when I get back I will look to them as a way to see the good side, and the hope that things will be better...

SOOO after really taking a beating this week with things here and last week with things at home..I just decided to take today off, to relax and then pack b4 heading into KLA for the wkend, to finalllllllllllllly havvvve a wkend that will likely resemble one at home :)

I guess its becoming bittersweet...I am actually really excited to get to Kenya and London and finallly home, but a huge part of me wants to stay here forever and make sure these kids are okay and grow up to believe in themselves they way they should...

These kids have made me come to see that i have spent a greater part of my life making sure everyone is okay, and making sure everyone has the best ...I can think of a few month stint where I put my goals ahead of everything else, but the reality is that I have to say it isnt me...I lead my life with my heart and whille I can give 7000% to everything, I have also learnt that I can pull away just as quickly if I have no surity of where things could be heading...

Its like life is this constant push and pull and finding that balance is the hardest thing to do ..becuase in the end it all leads to assumptions...which I have come to realize I am willing to make in some cases, but in others I think things need to be said...especially when there is much room to assume the worst....

On that nooote, I am out...

ttys :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Sooo...i thought things may get a bit better then yesterday and I really kinda wanted to keep this kinda stuff to myself...but the depresssingness of the past few days is beginning to weight in and actually beginning to make home feeel a bit better, as much as I have grown to love it here...

Soooo...I love my school, actually wait I should rephrase...I LOVE the lady that runs the school where I work and this children...The children are what get me outta bed each morning and are what keep me going during the day...The mean teachers, who like to allienate and make fun of the Mzungo's (non-africans) I could live with out...I have been asked a million inappropriate questions, harrassed for money and my all time worst is getting 3am calls from male teachers that wannna meet up...WTF...3am!!!!! Everytime I get those callls I get soo excited thinking its home, and then i see the names on the screeen and want to

Anyways, yesterday was just a typical day like any other day...mean teachers, great kids, but mean teachers being extra mean....and as I finally began teaching my morning barged in what of the head masters, basicallly screaming at the children...half the kids got up in front of my eyes and ran out with their things and when I realized what had happend, I realized that all the kids that had not paid their tuition, were told to basically go where the sun dont shine til they could :'(

My grade 5 class went from 8 kids to 3, my grade 6's were all in check and my grade 4's....from 20 to 8 kids...The field at lunch and break was empty and the mood of the students left behind is soo depressing...noow you try motivating kids who are subject to that.....

It was completely heart breaking for me to see and i went to bed hoping it would be better today, but It most definately was not and now I am struggling with trying to motivate those that are left behind..

I made a decision in my first week here to sponsor one of my students through to secondary school...especially since I learnt that it only costs $60 american to send a child to school per term, and that includes uniforms, books, bags, etc. ...considering Aldo or nine west is where I can usually spend that $60, I thought I could cut my shoe collection down and put the money towards a childs future....If any of you are interested please email me and let me know and I can forward you some deats...

Anyways...on that note, with less then 10 days left here (yes single digits !!!!)...I decided to keep these posts funn and lesss depressing as of late, because the reality is whille things like this exist this country is stillll extremely beautiful, and amazing!!!...sooo here are sommme updates :

1. Totally have built a family with the new girls that are here.

2. Pretty sure I have some sort of stomach bug once again...Annoying....

3. Being completely stalked by my new south african housemate who texts me everyday to say he misses me :S ....MHMMMMM yea i just want those texts from people bak home, thanks and even though he is aware of my situation he is positive that I will fall for him...NO, not happening...he has yet to meet the real me, who likes her trendy clothes, hair did, make-up on and princess suggestions on how to deal?!?!?!?! I AM DESPERATE...

4. I have become tagged the Indian princess at the cafe I go to ..since I screamed and jumped when I saw a mouse and insisted that i walk on all the couches just to get out of the

5. I have witnessed my first Ugandan bar experience...which some of you got texts/bbm's about when i got'm positive that this wkend Ali is promising nothing short when I head to the capital to see just what this prior markham boy is

6. Have started to head my life in the right direction...

7. And of course as always MISSSSSSSSS HOMMMMMMMMMME and everyone who completes my life there...

Hope that lightened up this note a ya's always...

Indian Princess Out :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Here is what GIVING back is all about...

Someone said to me soon before I left that I could just write a check and send the money towards the cause...but the reality is today along with many of the days is why I chose to be here...

Today, I took a day break from the orphanage and along with a couple of the volunteers, we hiked for about 2 hrs, carrying these family kits, which include, mattresses, mosquito nets, pans, containers for water, etc. Annnd yess WE ALL CARRRIED THEM...i had all the juggs strapped on my back and we walked up and down mudddy pathways all in hopes of getting to the end...We arrived in small rural villages, where there are only mud huts, plantations and the most simplest of was simply amazing, and whille there is much I want to write about the people I got to meet..I am still learning to deal with the emotions of it all..

Its exactly what I talked about when I mentioned the idea of "assumptions", while these people were amazed and happy with all they were to recieve, the reality is that whether we had gone or not, they were simply happy...And thats it...I mean I think people assume they have to come here and give millions of money to these people, but the reality is they wouldnt know what to do with it..they have come to love the simplest things in life, which is where I could relate most...while i love my designer/trendy clothes, make-up, nice resto's and bars and so on...everyone who knows me is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS about the LITTLE THINGS...they take the least amount of time and they touch people the most becuase in the midst of a crazie life, sometimes a text or a phone call hello is all someone needs...which is why I care only about those things, and only show how much i care that way..

As part of making these kits I also had the chance to meet the most amazing lady ever today, named BABY JUSTINE...she is the most amazing woman as everyone told me she would be...

We talked for about an hour today and the conversation began with a you are soooo beautiful (whiiich i have become soooo accustomed to, which i always laugh about since my latest look is nothing short of "jungle girl")....I laughed as usual..but later in the conversation she wanted to know about my life and when we started talking about boys..she told me that whille I didnt think I looked beautiful because I did not have my makeup and hair was the beauty within my soull that was shining through...It simply brought me to tears...and was right in line with the little things..after the way things have gone for me in my life...that was all i really wanted to hear...whether I am in the clothes I am in, obese, crazie looking or whatever...I have always just wanted to be considered beautiful for who I was inside..and what she said to me will stay with me for life...

Spreading happiness like we did today, and learning to see how these people have just come to love what they are surrounded by has made me appreciate soo many things....

And with that I will sign off for today....

but b4 I go...I am amazed with all the readers and emails, texts, messages, etc that I have gotten because of my writing...but I just want to say thank you to those of you, who have really been there when I needed it most...

And with that this post is dedicated to Jennny Wan and Fancie...In the darkest moments here, you tooo have shown love through the little things and I am forever greatfull.

Love u's


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happppppppppy Diwallllli from Uganda :)

Sooo today was a beautiful dayyy i must say...I think as much as I love it here, like most of you know I live a pretty routined twice a week, boxing once, goodlife a couple times and temple of tuesdays...and whille i love the fact that i have learnt to live in a way that has me constantly saying "Hakuna Matata :P"....i DOO misss some of the routine things...

But after a month almost...i got to finally indulge, as I headed to the mandhir this morning...The sun was shining, the people were beautiful and i got to ring in Diwallli the right was refresshing after dealing with some of the emotions of this week to sit in a place and let it all out...I have met some of the most religious people here and it just continues to amaze me with how much respect I have learned to have for every religion out there..There is something beautiful to show for it all ..especially what it does for a family...

Anywhooooo thats alll for now...i must head back, get changed and get readddy for an African Nite oh bonding, aka. lots of...welll in my case only one beeer considering the bottles are like 750 mL all i have to say...

Misssing my family lots ya's and again happpy diwallli :)

p.s i updated the settting ssoo all u none gmail users can commment away!

Friday, October 16, 2009

No Matter where you are, life is always the samme...

sooo here we are, I survived my second week. I have become the evil/mean grade 6 science teacher that picks on randoms and demands partcipation, the grade 4 math teacher that has become the caregiver these kids needs and the grade 5 math/science teacher who has become the best friend...

The school and orphanage i work at our both amzing and provide a new reason for living for me. Every morning regardless of the politics or bad things at these places, I get up and get ready and do it all for the glowing faces of these kids...I have learnt soo much from them about them and have learnt soo much about me from them..they are in one word simply AMAZING.

Sooo here is my insight of the week...I have decided to title this story "Assumptions" as at the current time it seems to bring my whole life together.

Sooo on Thursday afternoon I was teaching my grade 5 kids. Brian who is my favorite and likely the boy I will sponsor in the end, pulls out this toy out of his bag that him and the other kids seemed to have found in the sugarcane field behind the school. The doll is dirty, likely required batteries at some point and thus doesnt work. But this little toy alone brought soo much joy to these kids and thats when it hit me...everyone back home assumes these kids dont have anything and need all the clothes, shoes, food and other materialistic things we have. But the truth is, they don't have them now and don't feel a need for them, likely because they can't ever tell the difference between anything and for the most part they are sooo proud of the ripped clothes that they wear and the little food they eat. They are sooo rich with life and all they really need is the time, the support and that smile that will tell them, that it may suck right now but I believe in you and things will be alright...

Just before I left I had a talk on assumptions and i was told that life was all about assuming things and it was up to you to take chances in your life and believe in the things you choose to. And I have come to realize that assumptions are about trust and ....communication. Trust in the people around you, the life around you and most importantly yourself...but also communication. Assumptions made can be good or bad, and its just important that before assuming the worst or the scariest possible thing like in the situation with these kids, you talk about the things you are thinking with the ones they effect and really be ready to listen and get past any past biases you may have.

Life is funny and full of ups and downs...and this experience this week has just shown me that no matter where you are in life, the situations always repeat themselves and never really change..all that really changes is you, and your ability to deal with the things that are thrown at you...And all I want to say is that I have learnt that I am a pretty amazing woman, who always assumed the worst, but began testing my barriers and by learning about my bravery I have learnt that the security in myself will get me through it all.

Annnnd thats that...

Sooooo now to the fun stuff...I officially have a Ugandan crew!!! We rule the nights with lots of beers or african tea and many many board gamess...and i have learnt a new acronym to add to the list - FUBR - fawwked up beyound all now everyone here is using my infamous FML!

This wkend is all about the miami/new york/LA Ugandan wkend with much time spent at the beach long as the freakkin rain holds up...should be a nice chance to relax, unwind and enjoy the life I have been fortunate enough to be given...

Happpy Early Diwali, will post again tommorrow, after my trip to the mandhir :)

Missing everyone at home, and hoping that those closest to me are beginning to realize that the support and interest you have provided has been the energy and strength I have needed to survive the politics that these kids must be surrounded by.

Love ya's always


Sunday, October 11, 2009

week 1 done, nile river conquered....noooo whatttt ellse is possible!?!?!?!

sooo..i survived my first week of woork..and its amzing how much of a local i feel like now...I take my boda to work everyday, my driver picks me up and drops me at one of the local cafe's I have grown to lovvvve, i work on my lesson plans or otther stuff, my boda driver comes and gets me again and I am atttt my new home just relaxing with my housemates....Uganda has a charm to it that I have grown to love and whille it is not hommme entirely I am realizing that I have a special ability to make anywhere home...especiallly when I have come to realize over the past couple weeks that no matter where I live my friends, family and all the others that fit in between will allows be around, evvvvven if they can be COMPLETELY USELLLESS WITH MESSAGING (and we know who I am talking about :P)...

Okay did i decide to reward myself for surviving my first week in UG...I decided to spend the weekend challenging myself sommme more....lets begin:

Sooo if you guys didnt know, Uganda is regarded as one of the best places in the world for white water rafting as it is where the Nile river begin..sooo thats what I did ..i went white water rafting on the nile ...where the rapids are grade 5+...
Soo when you go rafting you have the choice of picking mild or wild and whille the scaredy cat in me wanted to pick friend Tevin didnt really give me much of a choice..soo yess thats right i picked wild and went with it...
Its a whole day affair that begins with drills in the river on what to do in case your raft flips..not really my ideal situation but I was readdddy to just do it...soo once the drills are done we start the morning part of the session going through a bunch of grade 3 and 4 rapids...annnd then we hit our first grade side of the boat complleeeetely went up in the air and instead of flipping we made it back down and alll in tact and inside the boattt.WHHHHHHAT!!!! that was ammmzing...the girls on my boat and i were dyyying and were like omg,lets dooo it we hit a couple moer grade 5's and then headed for lunch...
Sooo at this point the weather is absolutely amzing..its hot, sunny and not a cloud in the sky...after lunch we get back in our rafts and we look up and notice that suddenly it is pretty much pitch black clouds fill the sky and it starts to get collld...we get in the rafts and beginning paddling...about a half hour into it, it starts to rain..and at first the rain is light, but then it starts to pick up...and i dont think I HAVE EVER IN MY LIFE..seeen rain like was like the rain felt like hail, but there was no haill...I WAS DYING..i thought i was going to have hypthermia...and as I am contemplating what and how the hell we are going to get out of instructer goes to us JUMP IN THE WATER NOOOW...i am like excuse me?!?!...soo everyone gets in and i am in the boat, being like this guy must have had some sort of drugs at lunch ...then i feel a push and i am in the GUY PUSHED ME IN...soo as it turns out whille the air and rain are freezing, the nile river is 65 degrees...soo it is like being in a warm blanket....but even still now there are ten of us clinging onto the raft that is i dunno floating in the middle of freaking no where...i began saying soo many prayers and praying to every possible GOD...i was like why the hell did i not think this through...after about a half hour my instructor tells us to all get back in and is like we need to paddle through this..and we begin....after a bit the rain started to fade and things started to get better..but even still i think i was already suffering from hypthermia...OH GOD...soo then the first raid after all this madness is a grade 5...WTF...annnd as we go through it ...the rapid pulls my fingers soo far back i think they are broken, makes me lose my paddle and fall back....annd suddenly i realize that my finger and toe could be broken...which are still sooo swollen as I attempt to type...then i have no paddle and get the joy of riding princess til the last couple of rapids where I got lucky and got one....sooo LUCKY ..that on the last rapid i feelll all the way back and got punched with the paddle and now my VERY EXPENSIVE nose is swollen..soo yea basically i am A HUGGGE ASSS ACCIDENT as we by the time I get home all the swelling will be downnnn and I will be back to my pretty

soooo after that long of a day we arrived at the end and were greeted by an amzing bbq and of course BBBEEEEER....and let me tell u bottles here are like beer bottles on crack..THEY ARE MASSSSSSSSSSSSIVE ....soo know how the bus drive back to the camp site where we began was...a bunch of drunk

2. Sooo basically I got home on saturday nite..took a well deserved hott shower and passed out with a bunch of advil at 930pm...annnnd sleeeeeeept all the way to sunday morning..WOOW...that is one thing I have to say I am loving about vacation so far..I AM SLEEEEPING AND RESTING....and am learning the value of resting your body when you need to...

Anywhoo I woke up this morning annnd headed out to do more site seeeing, I got to go to the source of the Nile and see where lake victoria becomes the nile and the Ghandhi was a really nice morning which was followed by an afternoon of sitting in a cafe readdding and bonnding with the locals and a few expats..thats what I love about it matter where you go..everyone talks to you and then you walk down the street the next day and you say hi to everyone becuase you know everyone..and thats how a place like this starts to feel like hommme...

SOOOOO afffter this weeekend I am ready to head back to work, buut not without a bit of insight on my life...

soo last year we all know I picked up surfing as a hoobbby...and it was something about surfing that helped me get through the taught me about focus and the idea of mind over matter...and at that moment it was something I really needed to learn about...

And yesterday after rafting I learned that it was soo easy to trust my raft members and dive into something that could potentially kill people...and i wondered why it was soo easy to do, when in my daily life I find it soo hard to trust the people I love most and let go when I need to...and the truth is I dont know...BUUUT...just thinking about it made me begin to see that its time...Its completely time to just DIVE INTO LIFE...and let go of all the things that hurt me or have scarred me...2 weeks into this trip and I am soo aware of how amzingly blessed and loved I am and I feel sooo lucky, especially since for soo long I never thought feeling like this was possible...

soo 2 every insecurity I have now I say screw it ...I am ready for it all..and whillle communicating it all may not be the easiest, I am ready to just dive into life like I did those rapids....Helllo world is exactlly what i have to say for now :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

And Woooork Beginnns..

Soo today I began...yesterday I had my teachers meeting and was given all my lesson books and my timetable and sent home to prepare..the way my weeks wil work are as such :

Monday's & Fridays - I spend at an orphanage called Sonrise, helping my new german friend with her program..

Tuesday, wednesday and Thursday - I TEACCH & st. Florence...

Soo i know its crazie to think that people actualllly put me in charge of their kids...but yesss i am teaching!! I have been given grades 4, 5 &6 and will be teaching math and science..i did my first lesson today and after making the kids clean up the garbage in the school yard as part of their lesson on sanitation I was told that I was born to be a teacher...if sooo I beginning to gain reassurance in my inevitabel career path..I think or I am beginning to see that all those years of extra curricular homework my dad gave me, instilled the same hope he had in me in everyone my life touches..its like with a little push everyone can do what they were ment and want to do :)

On that note, I thought I would change things up a bit and instead of sounding depressed and homesick let you all see some of the amzing things I have learnt and been able to do ...becuase I am beginning to see that crying everyday isnt going to make the time go by faster sooo the more I can do and enjoy the better the time will be for me...sooo here we go :

1. Boda's are essentially like taxi's that are actually reall first day here I looked at my coordinator and SAID HELLLS NO..and nooow i am a professional!!! I have my own boda driver Josef which of course is the coolest and most stylish of them rides bikes in his spare time and thus always pics me up in coool sports gear...I LOVE IT ! goal in fact is to sit like a real Ugandan one day..i am still at the stage of holding on for dear life but have begun to make it look

2. Washing clothes....soo when i looked at my house lady and told her we had washing machines back home..i realized how much of a snob i sounded like...she actually laughed soo hard she fell and told me she will FOREVER always remember me now..because welll i was the girl who was soo clueless that when I was given a bassonate and soap, i was like mhmmmm annd how the helll do the clothes am 10000% fullly domesticated now..this is a true fact :)

3. Make-up and a mirror - sooo yeaaa the mirror i have is pretty make shift..thus I can barely tell what I look like and one really cares...on good days I may put on mascara ..but for the most part i have become comfortable with being ohhhh natuuural...scarey i know, however it wont last when i get back to toronto thats for sure...the one thing that I do get here that i love is that they focus on REAAAL and NATURAL beauty..the women are gorgous and where no makeup and are soo makes everyone fall for their real beauty and in a society like ours it has become sooo refreshing.

4. Electricity..who needs it?!?!!?...yea thats right in Jinja they like to shut the electricity off randomly..they thing that no one needs it at all...WTF...soo yea people end up spending all day outside which is great when its gorgous but shity when its raining

5. Ugandan food- yup i already got sick so what does that tell is likely the worst african food is soo bland...thhhat i have gotten stuck eating snadwhiches and Indian foood..I have been introduced to a resto called ASSWAD which is run by Gytri and her family..the love me to death and their coooking is INCREDIBLE..makes me feel like i am hommme..

5. Ants, bugs and everything in between...yup they have become my friends and quite the norm in this city...but I have stopped screaming and am actually making some new friends.....NOT! fawkkk i wont go that

I think thats pretty much it ...oh except that NEVER EVER EVER leave your clothes out over night to the midst of rainy season it can pore at any minute whiiich means dry clothes becommmme soaked...FML for reall :S

SOOO thats it for now...must get to the stationary shop soo i can begin lesson plans for my kiddies tomooooorrrrow...missssing home as usual and am reallly thankful for texts, bbms and calls that continously keep me going.

lova yaaaa's always :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

And the work begins...

soo its been 4 days, and i have gotten to see my choice of placements, meet some great people, try some of the most amazing fruits and of course gotten sick...

Being here is like feeling you are in the lion king 24/7..basically during the day you hear the sounds of either african drums or the army cheering as they do their runs and in the nite you hear the sounds of every possible animal you can think of, I think the sounds of this place will stick with me forever and when I am back in the office listening to my boss and annoying clients my imagination will bring me back to just sounds ammmmzing!!!

sooo as I said I got to see my placements all day friday..what they did was take me from place to place and i basically meet with the directors, hear about their cause and see if I find a good fiit for the sounds of my surrounding, the first place I got to see will forever be engrained in my mind..and whille I would describe it I dont think anyone should have those images in their was a definate strike of reality thats for sure and made me want to jump in the car and go straight to the airport leaving all my stuff here...It brought me to tears and left me feeling like i was completely in over my head, that and if i had to spend the next 30 days there, i would be in severe need of therapy when i returned.

soo with that being said the first place was an orphanage for disabled children who are suffering from just as much poverty as the lady who runs the orphanage herself....after being there we went to the second place that had the complete reverse effect on made me feel like i knew my purpose in life and what my next steps had to be..this second place was a primary school that went from p1 to p6, it was a complete make shift school that is enclosed in a building that is similar to a tool shed, with wood planks for seats..but the thing that got me, was that no one cared that it wasnt an azming building and wasnt the most ideal school...all the kids just wanted to learn and were sooo excited about was here inherited the cuttest littler nursery school boy who followed me from class to i went to each class the kids got up and started clapping and singing - welcooome visitor, welcome madame- it was absolutely amzing and it was here i actually did cry...

the next two placements were orphanages where i will definately be spending sometime and i got to meet some adoptive parents from the US who were here waiting for the courts to decide their was an amazing day with a start that left me feeling worried and an ending that made me feel soo exciiiited :)

sooo with that being said on my first weekend here i went out and bought some supplies and am ready to embark on teaching my teachables - math and science- for the majority of my time here :) I also got to spend the weekend furthering myself in what i need to do...which will soon come out and enjoying the company of great people...soo yes that means I have met some people and whille it seems as though i'll be in a home with a revolving door for the next week, it is still pretty damn amzing :)

annnnd soo yea in my midst of getting out and about i woke up this morning with a stomach and let you all figure out the rest...but my housemate iain as assured me plenty of water and a beer later will cure it

missing home lots, but am thankful for all the texts, bbm's and phone calls...while at times i feel lonely - i have likely cried everyday- i feel soo blessed to know I am when i recieve drunk bbm's

keeep on reading, and i will attempt at writing :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Herree finalllly :)

Sooo after leaving my sister at heathrow..i began to walk through customs and suddenly this all hit me...and the only thing i could think...WHAT THE HELLL DID I GET MYSELF INTO!!! i, little miss. need my hair rollers, trendy clothes and make i nuts....after a couple of conversations and mhmmmy 30 hour plane ride full of many delays...i landed in Uganda..was warmly welcomed at the airport and arrived at the airport guest house for the nite...

it was here that i finally got to take a deep breath and just let it all sink in..and i think it is still all sinking in...I am beginning to see that I can do this and that I will live to tell about it ..that is if i dont go to jail for killing the rooosters that start wake up callls at like

Soo after spending the nite at the airport, traveling into kamapala (which i doo love!!! annnnnnnd got to see the PwC there! and then driving to Jinja for 2 hours...I have arrived...and whille I will begin seeing whats around 2morrow for me to do ..official work doesnt start till monday...and I am beginning to get excited, but just beginning to wonder if I really can make an impact...

Til then...I am literallly taking it all in and enjoying all the trees, sugarcane fields, the nile river and lake victoria...and the fact that no matter how disappointing life can seem for the people here, everyone is happpy and laughing....

missing home, but thankful for all the bbm's and texts....let the adventure begin :)